
7 Ways To Drive Traffic To Your GrooveKart Store

Driving traffic to a website is one of the most crucial elements when preparing for a marketing launch campaign. It is a must for every small business, CEO or entrepreneur to have a good optimized website for both mobile and desktop before they can start generating traffic.

This also applies for websites that have been in the online market for a minute or two now. If your online store does not upload the images, description, videos, etc

… the online visitor will cringe because of the long tedious waiting time and will leave your online store within a matter of seconds to shop somewhere else because time is the most valuable thing to everyone.

Now, lets say your website or online store is looking healthy (fast upload speeds and doesn’t “stutter”), people will love to visit your store and browse through your pages to see what kind of goodies (products) you have so they can start giving you their credit card numbers.

This is what we all want, making sales to make our wallet thicker! Many marketers love the route of spending fat budget on Facebook ads, paid contest/giveaway, paid for shoutout on instagram (influencer marketing), and many other tactics.

This is completely fine, not bashing on paying money to bring in more eyeballs to your website.

I just like the method of organic search, in other words: the more content one publishes online, the higher the chances you have of someone finding you online either by accident or on purpose and you would generate free traffic to your online store.

A quick example can be like publishing one video a week on youtube about the products you offer on your online store and why it is better than the rest of your competition.

... like I mention, if you have like 100 videos, you will have a higher chance of getting notice against another competitor who only has 5 videos on youtube because he is afraid of publishing.

Yes, as you figured it out… In this blog we will be talking about how to generate traffic to your online store, organically.

What is a GrooveKart Store?

GrooveKart is an ecommerce website platform that allows you to create your own online store to sell your favorite physical or digital products to your customers without the need of knowing how to write complex code to make an online shop store and its power by

GrooveKart also allows you to partner up for free with big Print On Demand (POD) companies to create your own merchandise with a logo, bring it to your website and sell it as if it was yours at the price you wish for to make some fast cash in your pockets.

With POD, when a customer purchases a product from your online store, the company’s wearhouse will take care of the fulfillment: they will ship the product to the customer’s house within days. It’s like a hands free business with an easy income to make on the side.

Now if you do have products in your house or office such as: paintings, laptops, watches, garden plants, etc., You can also use GrooveKart as your online store, the only limitation is our way of thinking.

GrooveKart is my primary source of income and I love it. Personally, all I do in my POD business is create a very cool unique logo design, slap it on a product I think the market would like and upload it to my store and just drive traffic to that single page and wait for sales to kick in.

Overall, I know there are other competitors in the market but you cannot beat the free premium integration that GrooveKart offers when other rivals are asking for a monthly membership for you to use the other integration partners.

Here are my 7 ways to drive traffic to your online store now

1.- Blogging

Businesses and entrepreneurs use blogs to blog about their industry, new products, company updates, and more. Blogging can also be used to share knowledge or expertise with new customers or repeat clients.

There are many benefits to blogging, some of the biggest being that it is free and it provides a sense of authenticity to your brand. Not to mention, it also builds more brand awareness with every blog you post online.

If you want to start blogging, the first thing that you need to do is find a good blog platform and yes, GrooveCm which is part of GrooveKart provides one of the best blogging platforms ever, GrooveBlog. This means you save more because everything is under one big software.

To bring this home, I have an anime online store and I publish a blog article twice a week to drive people who love and want to learn more about anime characters or upcoming anime. Once inside my Blog Site, I have a “call to action” (CTA) to take them to my online store if they want to.

2.- Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is the act of publishing content to someone else's weblog. By guest blogging, you not only get an opportunity to publish your ideas and concepts on their website but also increase your online visibility.

Guest blogging helps you to reach out to new audiences and increase traffic to your website which can translate into higher sales. Usually the website that allows you to publish content on their website should allow you to do at least 2-3 “backlinks”.

The first step is to find a blog that's relevant to your niche and reach out to them about guest posting. This can be done by going through categories or other blogs in the same niche, or by using Google search operators like "keyword + guest post."

Since each site has different policies about who they accept as a guest blogger, it's important to read the guidelines before you pitch as many as possible!

To bring this home again, this is one of the newest tactics I am implementing as of this month and I’m hoping to have much success in this organic method to not have to spend my credit card on paid advertisement.

3.- Podcast

If you like talking, podcasting would be the ideal platform to promote your ecommerce store to win easy and fast sales online.

The popularity of podcasts has increased considerably in recent years with more than half of the population listening to podcasts at least monthly.

Podcasting is a popular form of entertainment for users who don’t want to watch or read anything on their computer screens or mobile devices.

They can just listen to you on the go with some wireless headphones over their head paired up with their cell phone and volume on blast.

Podcasts are a fun and engaging way to get the word out about a website and provide value to your audience, not just pitching your online store every 10 seconds or so because no one will ever visit your online store plus your listenership on the podcast will drop dramatically.

This is a very rich way to reach and drive traffic organically. You can also ask to be featured on other podcasts as long as it is relevant to your industry.

This way you can expand your reach even further by tapping into another podcast audience for free.

If you personally ask me, I’m building what I call my “dream 100” list to be featured on multiple podcasts to drive traffic organically and it’s a wonderful evergreen marketing tactic that you should use as well.

I hope I'm part of your "Dream 100" so we can do a podcast in the future ^ ^.

4.- Digital Business Card

Digital business cards can be like a NFC sticker on the back of your phone saying “scan me” so when people you meet in person want to exchange contact, all you do is hover over their front cell phone screen once with your sticker and “BAM”, done!

You can provide as much detail as you want with a digital business card: social media contacts, a brief description of your business, your email address, your phone number, your website, discount codes, your business address, etc., The sky's the limit.

Of course you can do this without using an NFC sticker, just download a QR code with your information and it works the same. As long as the person you are going to exchange info with, has their cell phone device updated with the latest update software, it should work.

You also save trees by going digital instead of chopping down trees to make you a physical business card.

This is one of my favorite marketing strategies to use especially when I am at starbucks and after engaging in conversation with them, they always ask “What do you do for a living” and all I do is say “unlock your phone” tap their front screen and they have my info. Their jaws just drop!

Yes, this may be a slower process to generate traffic all at once but whether they buy your products online or not, you made an awesome friendship and they will always greet you and love to know more about how you started your business.

5.- Instagram Collab

Instagram has about 3 million users active every single month and 1 out of every 4 users say they like to follow a business they relate with because either they have bought something from them or they are going to in the very near future according to Chatmatic website.

This feature is brand new and it came out in the first quarter of 2022. When you take a picture of your products and want to post it up on your IG profile, click on the “tag a friend” before you post it and if they accept your request

… both of you will share the same picture on two profiles. This means you can reach other people’s audience by using this simple organic reach to lead people to your online store.

The other way works to, if someone bought your products and tagged you… Is only right to accept the request from your buyer to share her photo on your IG profile. You can later use this as a “check out, our customer review and see what they are saying”.

You can also take this up a whole another level by partnering with influencers with lots of following and engagement on their IG profile. This would be a paid method because the influencer lives off of “promos” but it wouldn't be a bad idea to generate paid traffic to your site.

Not to mention you both can do an Instagram live together so you can reach their audience and they can reach your audience too. Both parties wins: new followers, more sales and more brand awareness to those who don't know anything about you!

This is a shameless plug, but If you like to, contact me to do a instagram collab... I'd be happy to connect and work together on a project ^ ^.

6.- Facebook Cover

This is an old school marketing strategy not many people know of but the few who know this method, works like gold. 

Create an attractive facebook cover (an example is the one on my business facebook page) with a call to action (CTA). Once the visitor click, it will take them to comment on your facebook cover but on the description you will write a compelling paragraph with a link, such as

“Click the link down below to take you to a land of “Anime cell phone cases” to equip your phone with strong armor in case you ever drop it from the second floor. It will take the impact like a real warrior”. I overdid it, but you get the point.

Use a CTA to drive customers to your site when they click the link.

7.- QR Codes

The QR code is a two-dimensional barcode that is readable by the camera on a smartphone. The code consists of black dotted square pattern on a white background.

The information encoded can be text, URL links, contact information, geolocation coordinates and much more.

As you can already imagine, QR codes are a great way to drive traffic to your website, both from smartphones (mainly) and from the traditional web browser.

It's huge on brick and mortar business such as pizza joints, starbucks, GYMs, pharmacies, cell phone stores, etc. Easy and quick way to generate leads for their business.

People also use these QR codes for automated customer support and information about a product or service. Marketing campaigns with the use of QR codes, is awesome because one has to use a physical item like a phone to scan the QR code and it will take you

To the internet “land” where you can find more insight about whatever you or the customer scanned.

I personally use this marketing strategy with the digital business cards because they go hand and hand. People love it when I trade contacts with them because it does make me look like I know what I am doing when it comes to business and I do know, as you can see!

Conclusion: Every business should be driving traffic to their online store to generate more leads and sales.

It’s an obvious thing to say but many fall in love with the idea of optimizing their online store, adding more products, creating more unique designs to slap it on t-shirts, etc.., and they forget that the one thing that drives sales is the ability to drive traffic to their ecommerce store.

Creating lead magnets is another organic way I did not touch on, but by implementing my 7 way to drive traffic to one’s website should bring up your numbers at least by twice as much. Once you master one traffic method, jump into the next traffic method.

Marketing strategies should always be on top of your mind to generate more traffic to get your wallet thicker and juicer like bacon! This can be like a side hustle or you can make this your primary source of income like me and generate tons of sales.

GrooveKart is my platform when it comes to ecommerce websites because they offer so many awesome features that usually their competitors charge an arm and a leg for you to use them.

This company thinks more about how to make money for a paying member rather than make money off of the paying member.