LeadGen Chatbot

The Best Messenger Builder For Leads And Sales Is Here.

The world has found a new app to chat with humans (chatbots), and they’re using it to make people’s lives better

Over the past few years, messenger apps have undergone a massive transformation, from simple texting chatbots to platforms that connect people for business and pleasure. 

As of now, messenger is one of the fastest growing chat platforms worldwide in Facebook, and with over 1.3 billion active users every day, it's one of the easiest ways to get your brand noticed.

To stay competitive in the messaging space, businesses must start leveraging messaging technologies to generate leads, close more deals and build a better customer relationship with visitors and current buyers.

However, that's all about to change again: the next great messenger platform is here. It focuses on the needs of those who want to stay connected with customers, and it’s finally getting the attention it deserves.

Chatmatic will be your guide to execute all statements above and much, much more..

What's Messenger Bots Used For In Business?

Some businesses provide their customers with a messenger bot that helps them navigate the website or find what they are looking for quickly.

...this way messenger bots can be used to increase customer engagement and strengthen an emotional connection with the customers. 

Here is a brief example on how to use chatbots for messenger:

Lead generation: 

As soon as a prospect engages in conversation with one of your chatbots, after having a simple dialogue back and forth, the bot will register the visitor as a “messenger subscriber”.

.., meaning they are now part of your “contact list” so now you can reach out to them about that same product or service you were offering to them again.


If you ever want to launch a product or service, have a special offer on your website, or even want to sell an event ticket because you’ve already acquired the customer through ‘lead generation’ you can send them Sponsored Ads to inform them about XYZ.

The alternative would be to use Facebooks Ads to reach new clients who may be interested in your “thing”.

Building Customer Relationship: 

With Chatmatic, chatbots can collect data from their conversations with customers and then use it to improve the user experience. Brands can use this information to engage their audience, provide personalized service, and find out what would be the next best move in order to win new customers.

Why Chatmatic?

Messenger is on more than 1.8Billion phones. Making it the second most downloaded and used app on the planet (behind only Facebook).

At first Facebook was mainly used to communicate with our friends, but it now is being used to discuss purchase decisions with businesses.

Facebook reported that over 10,000,000,000 messages (yes, Billion) are sent between businesses and consumers EVERY SINGLE MONTH” CEO of Chatmatic, Travis Scott Stephenson

As a user of this awesome platform it comes to three simple things: User-friendly interface, easy chatbot builder and multiple trigger options.

User-Friendly Interface:

It’s a very clean, simple but powerful interface like Google Docs and you can tell off the back where all the main important features are. Everything is very well structured and organized so the user can use the most of it.

Chatbot Builder:

I always start with a white canvas and connecting the flow of the conversation with sequence blocks is very easy and fast to learn

As you build your “Chatflow” you will see a ‘toolbox’ section where you can click to upload images, videos, audio, carousel and much more.., such a handy feature to have an easy to access to.

Multiple Trigger Options:

There are about 7 options but the one I used the most every time is the Dot.Me link trigger.

After creating a chat-flow and you want to publish it to the world, it saves a link and you can post that link anywhere in the internet and as soon as someone clicks on it, engages with a few conversations with the bot, that prospect just became part of your “contact list” like mention above in the lead generation!

How To Build A Chatbot From Scratch?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>INSERT VIDEO HERE<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

How To Set Up A Messenger Facebook Chatbot?

To set up Chatmatic with Facebook messenger follow the next simple steps:

1.- Go to your Facebook page, click on the menu and click on Page (the one with the icon flag)

2.- After creating your new Page on Facebook, log in to Chatmatic by connecting your personal Facebook account and then click on ‘Add new pages' and choose your newly created Page.

3.- All to do is create a welcome messenger chatbot, copy the link and paste it on your about me section on Facebook or anywhere you wish and that is it!

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Click here to watch a video to set up Facebook messenger chatbot with Chatmatic<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

How I Am Leveraging The Power Of Chatmatic With Blogs?

Let me describe to you how I am using chatbots to acquire new and existing leads and turning them into sales.

If you're a current blog reader of mine, you might have seen this tactic from me but if you're not and still haven’t seen it after reading this blog post, let me reveal to you my secret sauce.

A few of my hyperlinks have a dot.me link and as soon as someone clicks on them, it will take them to my chatbot sequence inside of Facebook messenger. 

I provide tons of value inside these chatbot sequences and I also perform a follow up sequence to make sure they can get the most out of it, the topic they are interested in.

If they ask questions within the bot, usually that exact same day at night I manually provide a specific answer to their questions to resolve maybe their hesitation on getting the thing I want them to purchase from me.

This is one of my millions of ways I am leveraging the power of Chatmatic to build more leads and get more sales.


Overall messenger is the 3rd most used platform worldwide after Facebook and Instagram, which are all owned by Mark Zuckerberg (that should tell you a lot). 

It has access to almost every single smartphone on the planet allowing us entrepreneurs and business owners to be more personal with our potential prospects through a method they like using, texting. This is the formula to get more leads and make more sales. 

Don't forget to click here to check out Chatmatic for yourself and give it a try to scale your business to the next level or to start your business from scratch