
Instagram Formats Secrets To Get More Followers

Instagram is the number one app where people voluntarily like to engage in conversation with anyone they want to without feeling like they are forced to do so. This is the amazing feeling Instagram projects and will keep on doing to make the user feel like it's a heaven place to be at.

We have gotten so used to the social media platform at times it does feel like the person we are following is with us in our living room casually waiting for us to spark up a conversation as we sit down drinking coffee together! Again, this is the power we feel when we connect with Instagram.

However, let's be real! The reason we have created an account with Instagram is to be followed and not follow people unless they are people we can get inspired from.

As an entrepreneur, marketer and business owner it is the same goal but it goes beyond just being followed (myself included), we want to be able to monetize our Instagram account and convert our followers into dollars or at least into leads.

In order to do this we must understand the different Instagram formats that there are in this platform and I’m pretty sure you know how to use them all but here we are going to break down how to use each one of them to get the most out of them.

Don’t just upload and post random images or videos without having a strategy if you want to get more followers, have a solid framework to keep your new followers engaged with your Instagram profile to build more trust with you or your brand.

The framework I recommend is the “JK5 Method”. Create five main categories of things you’re passionate about. These could be things that inspire you, how is your business going to serve your “dream customer”, what are your core values, showing us your fun side, etc.

Once you list the categories, underneath just write down all your ideas for each “bucket” and then think about how to present it to the Instagrammer with a catchy eye-sight or video to have them stay longer on your Instagram and find out more about you and your business.

Before this, make sure you Optimize Your Instagram Bio and then learn a little bit more about how to generate Instagram Caption Ideas to gain more followers faster vs those who don’t know about these techniques and tactics.

Now that you’ve read both blog articles up above (click on the blue links), now you are ready to learn the nerdy technical side on how to use each Instagram framework to its full potential!

How To Use Instagram Reels

Instagram Reels is the latest feature of Instagram that as far as right now, has the highest reach to have your short videos viewed by many users outside of your following.

This is what I am using to gain new followers and tailoring my message to only those who resonate with my short video.

Down below you can see a variety of ways using this one feature to keep your content fresh using Instagram Reels.


Trends pretty much mean use what other users are using on their Instagram reels, this could be: filters, audio, music, pranks, etc…

This is the type of Instagram format that will get you the most views on your account.

An example can be like doing the famous “tortilla challenge” which everyone is doing as I write this blog now.

Just add a bit more creativity, fun and a different environment to make it look distinct between the others and you have a chance of the video getting up to 10k views within days.


Everyone likes to see the changes of almost anything occurring within this planet: to humans, to environments, to videogames, to cars, to house construction, to websites, to people’s personal growth, to freeways, etc.., the before and after effects!

This type of Instagram format can be for everyone but you can also laser it down to a specific audience you wish to show it too.

An example of this can be found in the make-up industry. Usually it is like 5 seconds of how the girls look naturally, 5 seconds putting on the make-up and the last 5 seconds showing the end result of the make-up. The transformation most times is amazing!


Challenges is what a ton of Instagrammers like doing because it is super fun to do plus, you get tons of views on your account.

This type of Instagram format is for everyone to do, even if you are a marketer or an entrepreneur!

Going back with the same example up above, the “tortilla challenge” is the one trending as of August/September 2022. Another one that I’ve seen is the “how it started, how it’s going” using the before and after format. Most times this one however is a single image.


The entertainment ones are just you uploading a Instagram reel video about what is new and exciting with your life, giving value to the community, etc.

This type of Instagram format is clearly for everyone to engage and get as many views as possible. Through this process if the users like your content, there is a huge chance they will be following your journey of whatever it is that you do!

An example would be giving an update about how your business is doing, what are plans for the weekend, how your date went with your significant other, why you chose this over that, what goals did you accomplish last month, etc.

How To Use Instagram Carousels

Instagram carousels are visual attention grabbers by planting a hook with an appealing cover page like using keywords such as “TOP 5.., EASY HACKS TO…, TIPS ON…” and you just fill in the blank!

It doesn’t have a high reach like Instagram Reels but it does drive more comments, likes and shares! In other words, this is like a building trust factor to those who already follow you!

Here are ways to get the most out of your Instagram carousels:


The “How-to’s” is breaking down a specific topic into easy to understand steps for the user to read so they can implement this process when they have a chance to do so.

The users looking at this won’t just be grateful but be fully aware that you are like an authority figure on the topic you broke down and will keep coming back to you for more insights!

A quick example of a subject for a “how-to’s” title would be: 5 steps to outsmart your competition, How to power-up like a beast before 7am, how to become confident when being interviewed for a job, etc…

Case Studies

Case studies are the social proof to persuade a follower to purchase or download a product you want them to get. Nothing is more powerful than having someone else explain how cool your stuff is before the potential buyer gets it.

Think about case studies like an amazon review before you purchase the product. One usually goes down to read the reviews to see if the item is worth purchasing or should we move on to another similar product.


Storytelling is another fun way to keep your audience swiping to see all your carousels images. 

The storytelling images don't have to be complex, you can take pictures of yourself and with huge font words explain the story you like to tell: beginning, middle and end!

How To Use Instagram Single Images

The Instagram single images are to capture the attention of the users with a big font caption or a colorful infographic to make them stop and consume the information as well as the description of your post.

The way I personally use these single images is by posting an eye-catching image with a CTA to drive my followers to my website to read my latest blog post. My next goal when they arrive at my website is to try to capture the visitors' contact information to build my email list.

Single images are more tailored to people who already follow you so you can keep on building more credibility and trust with your audience. However, at times it works very well with new people who just want to peep at your Instagram profile too!

Good Captions

Having “good captions” is the attention getter of any single or carousel image post you do on Instagram. Click here to create good captions to draw the attention of your followers with great hooks that are almost guaranteed to have them click on to find out more.

Without a good caption the Instagrammer (most of the time) will not proceed any further because in their mind they will be thinking “another nice pic but with no meaning”, so they will pass by without engaging on your Instagram post.

What I like to do is to write a quote on my image and have it to be the same hook for my caption, like: “Here Are My 3 Secrets To Get Your Crush To Notice You”, or “This Is How To Say No In A Nice Way And Still Remain Friends”. More here.


Infographics are visual representations of data presented in a very unique way that are meant to grab the viewer's attention on Instagram to provide them a “fast snack” of knowledge within seconds of scanning the information.

Canva provides a few free infographics one can edit and adjust the words to one’s industry. 

Overall, infographics are good to have to serve your audience to keep pulling them in with informational and educational content, later leading them to go to your website to find out even more about your topics!


Memes are images that over exaggerate a joke that will make you laugh and at times pounder about! There are also people who create “insider memes” regarding a subject, matter or industry so only those who are in it, know the “punchline” the meme is trying to deliver.

Memes are usually 2-3 images put together with words over it without any fancy graphics on photoshop to make the visual representation shine more than the light moon at midnight.

If you can create a meme that connects with your audience, most of the time this single image will be shared with tons of their followers making your meme go viral. Those who connect will track down the original creator and may even follow them and this is how we can acquire a new follower!

About You

The about you single image is just selfies of you doing cool stuff and dropping lines of knowledge to keep connecting with your followers to earn shares, likes and comments.

When new people visit your profile and see images of yourself or maybe with your friends and family, it tells them that you are nice, friendly, not selfish, not shaddy and outgoing.

These are important attributes to have to attract new followers to your Instagram.

How To Use Instagram Stories

Instagram stories is where everyone should capitalize on to truly build a deep bond connection with people who already follow you. By doing this, you have a less churn rate of losing followers and keeping more with your stories.

The way I see this feature being used over and over again is by uploading things you are already doing on a daily basis which could be: making breakfast, going shopping, showing what you are working on, etc.

It does not have to be anything over the top to show your followers, this feature is used to show your fun side and creative side so people can like you everyday a little bit more!


When you post personal stories about yourself, this is showing to your audience that you are a normal human being just like them, you like to have fun, make mistakes, sometimes struggle, sometimes you win, etc.

I like to break this down in 5 different ways to keep it fresh and not feel like my followers are seeing the same content over and over again (of course, in a fun way): My beliefs, my work, the stuff I'm learning at the moment, my sights & friends and family.

Overall, this could be something as short as 5-15 seconds but the more you post on your Instagram stories, the more retention you will have with your followers. My advice would be to post 3-7 Instagram stories everyday.

Engagement Boost

The engagement will boost your profile account in the eyes of Instagram making your stories appear on everyone’s Instagram account to see what new updates or stories you have to share with the rest of your audience. 

This will keep your name or online brand on top of mind when they think about you.


When I think about community-based, it is sharing wins about your followers and what they were able to achieve with the rest of your audience to cheer up, one another.

This shows your followers that you are transparent about your actions through your followers and there is nothing more sexy than following someone who is true to themselves.


This is one of many people’s favorite things to do but yet, it can also kill the engagement with your followers as well, if you overdo the promotional content on your Instagram stories.

I suggest posting 1 promotional image or video one of every five Instagram stories so it doesn’t feel like you are only focusing on making money from your followers. Also, explain to your audience why they need the thing you are offering to them.

This could easily be like signing up for a webinar to learn more about the things you do to increase your following numbers on social media. Let them know why your followers needs this and what is the personal impact they can receive from this when they accomplish this.

Conclusion: Instagram Formats Can Also Help You Drive Traffic To Your Website To Get More Leads And Sales.

Once you learn the basics on how to attract followers to follow you on your account and are there for the long run with you, the next step is to learn how to grow and monetize your Instagram followers into dollars.

For this we can use a tool called Instagram Automation that can help us reach this goal at a faster pace instead of doing everything manually. Cuts time in half and it accelerates twice as fast the metric numbers one wishes to acquire!

However, I first recommend understanding the principles of the Instagram formats before you advance to the next step because without this, you will be playing a hit or miss kind of game because you haven’t mastered how to capture the attention of your followers to engage with you.

Overall, do this for the next 30-90 days straight to see more engagement on your Instagram profile, more followers, more comments, more views and more shares. Once you’ve achieved this, then it is time to get Chatmatic to start earning as you are posting!