
How To Get More Instagram Likes, Views & Comments Today

Join The FREE Masterclass To Grow Your Instagram Here

Instagram is full of fascinating images and videos that insanely enough, a person can spend tens of thousands of seconds (10,000 seconds = 166.6 minutes = 2.7 hours) per day just scrolling up and down and watching anything from “that’s cool” to “WTF” kind of stuff.

You may already have known this but Instagram has over 1 billion users using Instagram and over a 100 Million of users are active every month and I want your post to reach some of these users by using the Instagram Automation system.

Instagram Automation is pretty much a method that allows you to communicate on autopilot with a IG user who has replied to your Instagram stories, Instagram videos, Instagram selfies or anything you posted previously.

You know perfectly well, when someone comments on one of your recent posts, the Instagram algorithm pushes it a little bit more to other people outside of your following who IG thinks may engage with the post the same way the last person commented on it!

People love to feel connected with others who engage in conversation with them so you can easily set up a “thank you” response seconds after they comment on your Instagram post.

An example can be, you upload an IG story about your morning exercise routine. One of your followers saw your stories and found it very valuable so he (or she) shares it on their IG stories. You can set up a “thank you” response to them for sharing your stories on their stories.

Of course, be genuine and sincere with the person who shared your story. Let them know that you reach out to them by using an Instagram Automation chatbot that acts like your assistant in the thank you sequence so they won’t think you are fake or anything like that!

This has increased more trust to those users who are using Instagram automation because the follower understands that when someone has many IG followers, it is very hard to reply back to them one at a time! They will appreciate this kind gesture coming from you (your chatbot).

Going back to reaching more people with a post by taking advantage of the Instagram algorithm by utilizing Instagram automation, this can grow your LIKES, VIEWS & COMMENTS like you have never seen before on your IG account. You must have a business IG account to have IG Automation.

I can provide many more examples, but I want to give you the secrets. Here is a completely FREE training on how to use and get the best of Instagram Automation.

Access the masterclass to grow your Instagram numbers at least by 2 times more from your previous 30 days!

Now if you don’t like to grow your Instagram numbers and make money through the process, please don’t click on the link so we can reserve a spot for those who want to take their IG game to the next level.

If you are still here and didn’t click on any of the links, do me a huge favor and please share this easy to read blog article to someone you may think will like to get more LIKES, VIEWS & COMMENTS on their IG account. I’d be truly grateful to you!