
How To Generate Organic Leads On Instagram Direct Messages

Start Generating Organic IG Leads Here

Instagram Direct Messaging (Direct DM) is one of the most sought-after features on Instagram, with over 1.5 billion actions on the platform last month. As a result, companies are investing a lot of money in using the feature to engage with influencers and customers.

While there are tons of other features on Instagram for you to use (such as hashtags, geotags, IG reels, etc.) to generate organic traffic, I can't emphasize enough how important it is to use Instagram Direct Messaging to engage with your potential customers or influencers!

Once you’ve engaged with your target audience in your DMs through Instagram automation, they will automatically become part of your IG subscriber list, like an opt-in lead for your email list but with Instagram DMs instead.

Instagram automation is a chatbot flow that allows you to create conversational sequences to engage with your audience automatically without you being present, providing more insightful information to your audience regarding your post instead of just spamming them.

This conversation happens in the DMs where it is the most intimate type of connection you can have with your audience to build trust and credibility. Think about it: when someone connects with you on the DMs, doesn’t it feel more intimate than a picture or video comment on IG?

Even though Direct Messages has been out for a while on Instagram, in my opinion, out of all the social media platforms, I feel like this is where an online brand or an influencer can truly find their dream customer to create a strong bond with their future prospects and repeat customers.

If you are an entrepreneur or a marketing agency, this can benefit you as well. Honestly, there are no limitations in creativity when it comes to using Instagram Direct Messages to connect with your preferred audience.

Yet, I also want you to avoid making Instagram Automation mistakes, specifically when it comes to connecting with your leads regarding a discount, special sale, early sign up, free lead magnet and many more...

In this blog post, I’ll be keeping it organic on how to generate leads by using direct messages to grow your customer list: Instagram followers and Instagram subscribers.

What Are Organic Leads For Instagram?

Instagram is a popular social media platform. It is mainly used for sharing photos, videos and live videos with friends or followers. But many businesses have also found success by using Instagram as a tool for generating leads.

Leads are prospective customers who are not yet customers.

For example, if you’re a spa and you want to promote your services on Instagram, your goal is to turn the leads into customers who buy your product or service from you.

One way to generate new leads on Instagram is through organic posts that show what your business has to offer (e.g., an attractive photo of your salon chairs). Another way is through paid ads, which can be expensive, so for the purpose of this blog post, we are going to skip this phase.

You can say that organic leads are the new form of advertising on Instagram. They might be better than paid advertisements because they are less in your face, more authentic, and offer a more intimate connection with the consumer.

The organic leads that we get from Instagram consist of likes, follows, and comments.

They help us build a stronger following on our Instagram profile page and will gain trust in what we post to our followers.

Organic leads is an easy way to grow your following on Instagram for free while also getting real people engaging with your content.

When people follow you, eventually they will convert themselves into a lead and down below is how we are going to accomplish this.

Here are my 3 methods to how to generate organic leads on Instagram direct messages:

Instagram Bio Hack

An Instagram bio is the short description of your profile which appears under your username. It gives people who visit your account an insight into what you're most passionate about and it's a great way to tell people about how your business can serve them.

Optimize Your Instagram Bio Here plus take a look at different examples so you can tailor your profile to what you want it to say!

When typing your bio description, make sure to include a call to action so people can respond to you in the DMs. An example could be like “We love sharing our coffee with the world. Come visit us and if you like to get a 10% discount, DM me ‘Coffee10” now and we will see you soon”.

The call to action was “DM me ‘Coffee10’ now” and when the visitor does, you will acquire them as a IG subscriber on your favorite chatbot builder platform. No money on ads was spent which means you’ve acquired a lead organically.

This is all done through IG automation and your chatbot builder should be able to provide this feature and service for you.

[[[ Here is how I am using this IG bio hack on my Instagram here, IG automation ]]]

Story DM Mentions

Story Mentions is a semi new feature on Instagram that allows users to attach a caption to stories. Previously, the only way to see a story was to click on the individual's profile and scroll through their photos and videos in the old version of IG.

With IG automation you're going to come up with a short word such as “book5” or “dream100” so when a user repost your story on their story mentions, your chat-flow can trigger so it can shoot them a message in the DMs to follow up with the relevant topic down a DM funnel.

As you already may know, the individual who shared your story was already a follower on your Instagram but perhaps not on your IG subscriber list. This is how you build your list to have more than one option to follow up with your leads to essentially convert them into buyers.

Instagram Private Reply

This allows you to private message anyone who comments on your posts on Instagram in Instagram DMs.

It only sends one automated message to the individual so this may be more difficult to use but nevertheless once you know how to use this feature, you will start seeing success with this feature.

On a personal note, this is my least favorite one out of the three because I like building a full chat-flow sequence to warm up the user with more conversation instead of just one DM message.

The private reply requires more of a strategy approach for a single conversation in a message.

How To Generate Organic Leads On Instagram Without IG Automation?

IG automation has made the process much simpler to generate more leads but we can still get the same results but not as fast through the DMs, yet I highly recommend this feature!

Yet, many other smart marketers and entrepreneurs have figured it out and these are some of their methods down below that I’ve experienced by following them on Instagram.

Ask Yes Or No Questions On Your Instagram Stories

By asking questions people naturally want to express their opinions in a subject manner they feel attracted to. Especially if the answer is either Yes or No, they will engage fast and the response rate with this tactic it’s very high.

Let’s say you ask “Do you like reading books”. On Instagram you’ll pull up a poll with two answers, YES & NO.

Since you already segmented the people who replied back with the answer YES. You can follow up with them on the DMs and have a one on one conversation with them to offer them a book you wrote or a book you think they can benefit from.

The people who answer NO, you now know they are not interested in reading books. No need to follow up with them.

Instagram Website Link

Open your Instagram and click on your picture icon, from there you will click on edit profile and you will see a section where it says website, here you can type in any link you wish to redirect your visitors too: your website, your Spotify playlist, your social media channels, etc.

Now, because we want to generate leads we are not just going to send the visitor to any website instead we are going to send them to a free downloadable offer where in exchange we get their contact information: Full name and email address.

Another more advanced technique would be installing a pixel of your favorite platform to at least capture their page cookie and when you take a deep look at your pixel analysis you can see who came to visit your website and retarget them in your next ad campaign.

Instagram Swipe Up

The requirements to access the IG swipe up feature you must have: an Instagram business account, more than 10,000 followers and a verified account.

I’ve personally still don’t have this feature on my Instagram account but this article will give you everything you need to know regarding the “Instagram Swipe Up” feature:

Instagram Swipe Up: How to Use It & How to Get It Without 10K Followers


As of 8/30/2021 Instagram has announce the removal of this feature, Swipe Up

Conclusion: Your Business Needs Organic Leads On Instagram

Your Businesses needs organic leads because your audience are more likely to convert into customers since many of your dream prospects already follow you. The more content you publish about how your brand can help your people out

… the more likely they will convert into buyers.

Publishing once a day with a call to action will bring more brand awareness to your followers and visitors. Also, don’t forget to show your human fun side because people love interacting with people who have personalities just like we all do.

With these tactics, you will increase your organic leads with IG automation to build an email list with the intention to later email them with a valuable offer through a marketing campaigns.

Open Up On Instagram