Chatbot Instragram

How To Build An Instagram Automation Bot Quiz Fast

Instagram is a powerhouse when it comes to having more than a million of users actively browsing everyday and looking for things they want to get inspired, entertained or even motivated.

Quizzes are a fast and fun way to capture your audience's attention because psychologically we as humans want to know the answer to everything we are doing at the moment. It kills us not knowing the answer to something after investing time and effort into that one “thing”.

When you take action, you’ve essentially increased the path into obtaining more leads through this fun gamification method that I encourage every small business and large corporations to use.

The key to building a good bot quiz is to think about it like a game. The point of the game is to get people into the habit of answering questions every day. Make quizzes short.

Down below I will introduce you to a 7 question framework quiz that is very effective to engage and also get the visitor’s contact information to start or keep building your email list of potential customers.

What Is Instagram Automation?

Instagram automation allows you to reply back automatically to the user's Instagram messages inbox when they comment on one of your IG posts. In order for this to happen you have to create a chatflow sequence with a unique CTA to trigger this action.

Instagram automation is a lead capture tool that allows you to obtain personal information about the user who engages with your chatbots with their consent. Once engaged in a conversation they automatically become an IG subscriber for your chatbot platform.

I created another blog post regarding “What is Instagram DM Automation” that goes more depth.

What Are The Benefits Of Using An Instagram Quiz For A Business?

A bot quiz can be a great way for a business to have a better understanding of their target audience. It also helps them to create content that resonates with their customers.

Quizzes allow the business to gather insights about what their customers care about, which in turn allows them to create content that speaks to those topics. 

In addition, quizzes are an engaging way for the business to connect with its customers, as they help build a stronger brand image and rapport with followers.

Also, quizzes have been found to be an effective tool for marketing, promotion, and customer engagement.

The quiz provides the user with some light-hearted fun while also providing them with valuable information about the product or service they are interested in.

Quizzes are one of the most popular ways to generate leads because they help provide a list of interested customers, which is good for the business because it will be easier to make more sales.

I’ve created a few quizzes myself and I get inspired by this blog to get an idea and then build my Instagram bot quiz.

What Are The Negative Side Effects Of Using an Instagram Bot Quiz?

Nope, there are no negative side effects when using a quiz tool to generate leads unless you don’t like building a potential prospect list. 

Usually when entrepreneurs, marketers and even business owners find out about this method, they get in the habit of using it over and over again because of its effectiveness to generate new leads.

The only negative side effect would be when you are done reading this blog post, you decide not to implement this method with your favorite chatbot builder to start acquiring new leads like hotcakes. Stop reading and learning so much and start taking action to see results my friend!

Here is my 7 question framework in order to generate leads for your business.

I do want to give credit to Steve J Larsen because I learned this formula from him. He is the CEO of Pursuit Of Profit and he has taught hundreds of his students his methodology on how to launch products, how to find your market, how to design your value ladder, etc.

Now, without any further a-do, let’s get started with this 7 question formula.

Self Identification

This is the first question and It’s only natural that people want to self identify themselves with a very low barrier to entry. Once they answer this question, the probability of them going through the entire Instagram quiz is very high.

A few example of this can be: “Are you a male or a female”, “Are you a marketer or a salesman”, “Are you single or taken”, “Are you a morning coffee person or a superfood supplement person”, “Are you a copywriter or a funnel designer”, etc.

Self Identification Based On A Subject

This next question is based on the first question to keep the Quiz Funnel congruent. If you deviate from the first question, the quiz may feel to the user as if they are answering random questions without any potential outcome that can impact their life.

Let me grab a few example from the first question and expand on it to align it with the next question: “What type of coffee do you mostly take in the morning: Keto Coffee or Regular Coffee”, “What type of salesman do you prefer the most: cold calling or being on the sales floor”, etc.

This question can be seen as narrowing down the “thing” they do or are, to hyper segment the user to use for future marketing campaigns, this is considered to be an advanced marketing technique and you can apply it if you like.

Declare Level Of Skill

Here is where you take the question on number two and let the user scale their skill level. This can give us an idea of how much the user knows and on what area we can help them more in.

Here are a few examples: “What is your Marketer skill level at from 1-10”, “How many coffee cups during the day do you take from 1-10”, “How comfortable do you feel doing cold calls from 1-10”, “How actively are you seeking to find a significant other from 1-10”, etc.

Budget Spending Amount

This question is used when a specific audience is investing their profits to grow their business. The user is usually trying to acquire new leads and make more sales.

Here is an example: “What is your monthly budget you are spending on Facebook Ads”, “What is your monthly budget to spend on a digital agency”, etc.

Biggest Challenge

This is where the user subconsciously after clicking and answering questions, they self-select their biggest hurdle, why they are stuck in this area and cannot keep advancing forward. With this data, we can later follow up with the user and provide them more information to overcome their “block”.

Here are a few examples on how to ask this question: “What's your biggest challenge you face when it comes to operating your business right now: getting traffic or brand awareness?”, “what’s your biggest struggle you face when it comes to selling on the sales floor: not knowing how to use our system or not knowing how to answer questions that a customer has in mind”. Etc.

Educate And Clarify

At this level you verified their answer based on your last question and dig in a little bit deeper to make them self confirm to themselves and to you, this is what they really are struggling with and that they need help in this area.

Examples: “Based on your last answer, you are struggling because: you lack knowledge on our product to give the customer an answer or you think you need to practice more on your social skills”, “based on your last answer, you are struggling because: you don’t know how to bring in customers to your business or you don’t know how to close the sale?”

Random Question

This question does not have to be aligned with any of your previously asked questions but it does have to be somewhat related. 

This is just to get the user curious about why such a curveball question was asked. A random question usually provides a higher opt-in rate because now you spiked up their interest in getting this question answered in your final results.

Example: “Lastly, this may not seem like it matters, but "Did you map out a marketing plan before setting up your business?"... because that could matter a whole lot!”

Opt-in Form

This is where you tell the user that you have the answer to their deepest struggles of X subject answered in the 5min Instagram quiz. At this point they give you their contact information and you provide them the answer.

The answer most of the time will be redirecting them to a website to learn even more about why they are struggling (pre-sales page) or an educational landing page before they take action on their own and go to the order form page.

Exclusive Example Bonus For Making All The Way Here

I have an example here if you want to take a path this fun Instagram quiz experience to see this Instagram automation in action. 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SECRET BOOK QUIZ<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Conclusion: Your Business Needs An Instagram Bot Quiz To Collect Leads.

Asking trivia questions in the form of an Instagram quiz (this can also be done in a landing page and on a website) is a smart fun way to have your visitors engage with you on your Instagram profile.

Your Instagram followers will go up as well as your IG subscribers list, not to mention you are also building up your email list too.

The unfair advantage you have over your competitors when using the Instagram quiz is that you are generating leads organically instead of spending money on Instagram ads to attract the audience you are looking for.

When people go to your Instagram profile and are browsing on your IG reels, Instagram photos or videos.., you will have a call to action to lead them to take a fun quiz to find out that “one thing” that is holding them back to become even more successful.