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4 Easy Ways To Use AI To Blog Like A Boss

4 Easy Steps To Use AI To Blog Like A Boss

Artificial intelligence writing is a hot commodity right now especially for bloggers who want to monetize their blog posts, converting blog readers into sales through affiliate marketing or by promoting their own products and services through a marketing strategy funnel.

AI writing provides assistance to content writers by getting rid of writer’s block, generating new content ideas at scale, and providing an efficient way for bloggers to write impactful blog articles.

AI writing has the potential to save time, money and energy by writing content for blog writers. It is the perfect “cheat code” to batch out content for the next upcoming weeks and to schedule each topic a few days headed one another (like I do).

Many bloggers are just now seeing the potential of artificial intelligence writing. Outside of creating outstanding blog writing posts, some AI writers have copywriting formulas integrated to enhance website content, landing pages copy, ecommerce product description, etc.

Yes, AI writing can also be used by copywriters as well as small businesses, content marketers, entrepreneurs and CEOs. Content creation is vital for anyone who wants to stand out online to build their brand awareness.

This is important, AI writing will not replace human writers despite what others think. AI-writing just provides assistance to the content creators by getting rid of writer’s block and generating better content ideas at scale.

However, in this article we are going to focus on bloggers who want to create and write content like a boss by using a 4 step formula I’ve discovered after writing many articles.

What Is AI Writing?

AI writers are machine learning algorithms that can generate content at scale. They can create coherent, compelling and relevant text. Easy to use like the Google search engines to find a topic.

Machine learning algorithms are computer programs that analyze data points from a sample and make predictions about the rest of the content creation. Insert a sentence phrase or keywords and it will provide you with a writing output.

Like I mentioned before, AI writing helps writers get rid of writer’s block by providing them with different thinking methods perhaps they didn’t think of; headlines, bulletins, tagline, video description, etc. 

The only downside of AI writing is that it cannot sense the emotions that a writer wants to convey in the article or blog post. Triggering emotions is what keeps blog readers coming back for more to learn more about the topic or even buy the offer we are providing to them.

Overall, artificial intelligence tools such as writing is a huge benefit for anyone who wants to save time writing and energy when it comes to writing a topic for a blog idea, for yourself or even for a business.

Here are my 4 easy steps to use AI to blog like a boss

How To Start With A Human-Centered Approach?

The human-centered approach is the writing process of creating articles or blog posts that are well-researched, authentic, and targeted to a specific audience without the use of an AI-writing tool.

It starts with understanding the people who will be reading the content and then focusing on what they want to know, not what the writer wants them to know.

Start by brainstorming ideas you are passionate about. It is important to consider the audience you are designing the article for. This will help you come up with more useful and enjoyable ideas.

Another great place to start is by researching your audience, psychologically. Spend some time looking at social media profiles, old articles written by your competitors or people in your field and other sources of information about your target audience. 

It’s important to find out what they’re interested in so you can use this when writing for them. With this data you can enter in the conversation of your audience's mind that is already taking place by using their language and context to make the article even more powerful to them.

A human-centered approach starts with empathy. Empathy is defined as the capacity to understand or feel what another being feels, which allows you to relate to that being. 

With empathy, you can help your customers solve their problems and achieve their goals by using your skills. This is the only way that your message will become clear and relevant for them.

Human-centered design can focus on the user's needs before considering other aspects that might seem important to marketing materials but are not as compelling to the people who use the product.

How To Generate AI-Content With My Own Blog Ideas?

The AI writer assistant is able to understand the context of the keyword and then generates relevant content for your own blog ideas. They also have a big data system of words that can give you ideas to generate content, unique content.

The option you have with Rytr, goes from creating an “outline blog” all the way to “writing the section of your blog” and even more. It delivers original content and of course, you can edit it, expand it or delete the sentences or outlines you don’t wish to add to your blog post.

I emphasize again, the AI writing tool should not replace the human touch but instead expand and enhance their creativity, ideas and imagination to write an even more powerful blog post full of enticing engaging content with a strong call to action.

How To Bring AI Into Your Copywriting Process?

If you are a blogger trying to monetize your blog or promote your own products and/or services, you need to add some copywriting formulas to spice up your blog content so your audience can say “I need this offer in my life now” so you can make a buck in your pockets.

The purpose of a blog is to give useful information to the reader so they can learn more about a certain topic and be more educated through the process of trying to win a sale. Lot’s of bloggers are affiliate marketers as well as business owners promoting their products and services.

By using the AI’s copywriting formulas you can integrate these tactics into your blog to have a higher chance of getting the sale or having the reader opt-in to your email list for future offers or blog posts.

How To Optimize Your Content For Better Engagement?

The first thing to do is to make sure that your content is relevant and up to date. This will help you in gaining the trust of the audience.

The second rule is to create content that has a logical flow. The content should be easy-to-read and not difficult for the reader to follow.

A third way in which you can improve your content is by making it concise and short. This will make things easier for both the reader and also for you when it comes down time editing it.

The fourth rule would be adding images that go very well with your blog topic so everything can be congruent. Don’t blow this factor out of proportion because then the reader will get too distracted with your images and you don’t want that.

The last rule would be to use the AI writing tool to do most of this for you. It will output more than 80% of these rules and all you have to do is organize it and retouch some sentence sections to complete the remaining 20% and you will have an engaging blog post.

Again, the reason you want to retouch some of these paragraphs is to give it your own tone of voice, creativity and emotion to convey the message to your audience.


If you are a good blog writer, adding this new AI writing tool provides high quality content will make your next blog stand out over the rest of your competitors who are chasing after the same keywords.

If you are just starting out to write blogs, this will shortcut your path to come up with amazing headlines, outlines, bulletin list and so much more. This is like the perfect “cheat-code” for any type of content writer.

Again, this AI-writing tool can also be used for creating: content marketing, product descriptions, interview questions, search engine optimization title and so much more.